Gym Assistant Software Upgrades


Upgrade Today! Upgrade to Gym Assistant Software Version 2.6.0


Version 2.6.0 is a major upgrade over earlier versions.  We have worked diligently to add improved capabilities and powerful new features especially related to moving beyond a challenging COVID-19 period while retaining the ease-of-use that has made Gym Assistant so popular. Upgrade to Gym Assistant version 2.6.0

What’s New in Gym Assistant version 2.6.0?

Upgrade your Database Capacity


Registered owners increase your database capacity.  Simply upgrade your Gym Assistant Software Edition to the next level.  It’s easy — place your online order and we will reply within a single business day to provide a new Gym Assistant registration code.  Enter the code into the software and your database capacity will automatically increase with no changes to your existing data.  Upgrade database capacity