Documents / Member Communications

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Documents / Member Communications

Gym Assistant has many features to help you communicate with your members:



Mailing Labels

Email (forms or letters)

Membership Cards

All of these methods can be used for a single member (e.g. print out a membership contract) or for a list of members (e.g. send past due notices).

A document template is simply a document that can contain place holders for fields in the Gym Assistant database.  For example, you might include a member’s name and address at the top of the document and refer to that member’s next payment due date and the amount due for their next payment.  Once you develop a template for a given situation (e.g. a “payment past due” letter) then you can easily send that document to appropriate members.

You can create multiple document templates for each type of communication in order to more efficiently manage your communications.  Each template can contain place holders for information from the Gym Assistant database from both the member (name, address, phone, amount due, etc.) and from the business (business name, business address, business phone, etc.).

There are three template categories: Forms, Letters and SMS Notifications.

You can create an unlimited number of templates as you deem necessary.

Forms and Letters

Forms and Letters can be fully formatted, as they are stored and sent as HTML.  They can also include images.

There is no functional difference between Forms and Letters, just that forms will be generally more structured and letters will be more free-form.

All Forms and Letters can be printed, emailed or sent to members for eSignature.

Gym Assistant includes generic Contract and Waiver templates.  You can (and should) edit these templates, but you can also duplicate and edit multiple different versions of each template for different situations.  For example you might have a special waiver for minors.

SMS Notifications

SMS Notifications are intended to send short notices, such as payment reminders.

SMS Notifications are plain text, with no formatting allowed.

Gym Assistant includes generic templates for some common notifications, but you can edit these templates.

You can create an unlimited number of templates as necessary.