Proximity Check-In with Key Cards or Key Fobs
Although higher cost, Proximity Check-In systems offer premium quality media devices with good durability and security for member automated Check-In. The media devices are simply presented near the Proximity Reader without contact (ie. touchless). The following products are 100% compatible with Gym Assistant software and come with support.
Automated Check-In can be performed in the background of the Windows computer operating Gym Assistant software. That same computer can be used for other programs without interfering in the automated Check-In process.
All Check-In activity is tracked in Gym Assistant software through the member records and various Visit Reports can be queried to view the activity data.
Note: A Gym Assistant software license is required to operate automated Check-In

Gym Assistant Logo Proximity Key Fobs are high quality offering durability and security. They can be purchased in lots as small as 50 units and are always in stock. Shop Now

Proximity Key Cards are convenient high quality media offering durability and security. They can be purchased in lots as small as 50 units and are always in stock. Shop Now

This Desktop Proximity Reader is ideal for indoor Check-In stations as well as a reader for data input and Key Card/Fob registration. Shop Now

The Photo Capture Camera take photos of members directly from Gym Assistant. Photos are displayed onscreen with each member’s record. Greet members by name and ensure only current members are admitted to the gym. Includes software that connects Gym Assistant to the camera. Shop Now